Welcome to Jilbup Primary School

At Jilbup Primary School, we are committed to fostering a learning environment that is not only exceptional but enjoyable. Our vision is simple yet profound: we want our students to love coming to school, our teachers to love their students and our community to love our school.

Here is what you can expect when you choose Jilbup Primary School for your child's education:

  • Excellence in Education: Our dedicated team of educators are passionate about nurturing young minds. We are committed to providing a world class curriculum, effective instruction based on the Science of Learning and individualised attention to ensure that every child reaches their full potential.
  • Holistic Development: Beyond academic excellence, we believe in nurturing well rounded individuals. Our curriculum will include a wide range of extracurricular activities, ensuring that your child has the opportunity to explore and develop their talents and interests.
  • Community Engagement: We view our school as an integral part of the community. We encourage active involvement from our parents, guardians and the broader community in our school activities and events, fostering a strong sense of belonging.
  • State of the Art Facilities: Our school boasts modern, and purpose-built facilities, including well equipped classrooms, library, sporting facilities and dedicated science, art and music rooms. Your child will have access to the best resources for their education and growth.
  • Unique Adventure: At Jilbup Primary School, we promise a unique adventure in learning. Our innovative approach to education ensures that your child's educational journey is exciting, engaging and full of opportunities for exploration and discovery.

We want our children to love coming to school, our teachers to love their students and our community to love our school.